The institute of radiating safety “BELRAD” (Institute “BELRAD”) was created in 1990 and acts as an independent non-governmental organization. It was founded by a doctor of Technical sciences, Professor Vasily B. Nesterenko in purpose to minimize the health consequences of Chernobyl catastrophe.
The main activity of the Institute “BELRAD” is radiation monitoring of the inhabitants of the Chernobyl zone and their foodstuffs, the development of measures on maintenance of radiation safety and protection of the population on territories contaminated by radionuclides by realization of necessary scientific research, development and organization of implementation of their results in practice.
Main directions of scientific activity of Institute are:
• Radiation monitoring on WBC (whole body counter) of accumulation Cs-137 in organism of children and prevention and protection against radionuclides by pectin preparations;
• Creation of networks of local centers of the radiation control of food stuffs at the population and informing the population about the radiation danger and consequences;
• Development and manufacturing of dosimeter and radiometric devices to control the food stuffs for different Belarusian radiological services;
• Organization and production of pectin food additive “Vitapect”;
• Organization of special center for radio ecological education of the teachers and parents in Chernobyl regions on radiation protection of children.
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