
Stefanie Aufderhaar from Munster and Rebbecca Hartje from Hannover, both cities are located in Germany, worked on this contribution. Stefanie’s research was focused on the political parties in Germany. She presents the attitudes of all those parties, who are represented in the German parliament. Rebecca presents the attitudes of the Lutheran and Catholic Churches.
Most important German parties covering the topic „nuclear energy“ and „energy supply“:

Die Linke (left-wing party):
•    campaigns for abandoment of nuclear energy („Wir setzen uns für die unverzügliche und unumkehrbare Stilllegung aller Atomanlagen ein“)
•    is of the opinion that nuclear energy isn’t cheap, but unpayable(„Atomstrom ist nicht billig, sondern unbezahlbar.“) as it is subsidized and terminal storage is expensive
•    criticizes that using nuclear energy impedes the development of alternative energy supply („Atomkraft verhindert zudem den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien“)
•    citicizes the search for possible terminal storage: In „Asse“ there is a radioactive liquor. Besides the salt dome is close to collaps. The possible terminal storage „Gorleben“ was illegally build. In fact one should have only explored if the salt dome is convenient in order to store their nuclear waste. („Schwarzbau Gorleben“, „Heute sind die Lagerkammern einsturzgefährdet, die Atommüllfässer ersaufen in verstrahlter Salzlauge“)

Die Grünen (environmental party):
•    criticizes that using nuclear energy impedes the development of alternative energy supply („Die Stromnetze in Deutschland sind verstopft mit Kohle- und Atomstrom“)

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